My kids and family have heard this line a thousand times, maybe more: Everybody has a contribution…
Latest volume of Wellington County History now available
WELLINGTON COUNTY – A baby was abandoned by the side of the road between Fergus and Orangeville in 1891. It was the scandal of the century in these parts and the public wouldn’t rest until the culprits were found and punished.
Self-care, COVID-19 and the holiday season
MAPLETON – It is fair to say that Christmas 2020 is going to be unlike any other Christmas…
Province extends COVID-19 response orders to Jan. 20 as immunization program begins
TORONTO — The Ontario government has extended all orders currently in place under the Reopening…
Changes at CW facilities as region goes red COVID level
CENTRE WELLINGTON – New restrictions are in effect at Centre Wellington facilities as the region…
COVID-19 and Puslinch facility closure updates
PUSLINCH – Puslinch is currently preparing ice for the Optimist Recreation Centre rink and will…
More Canadians than not are eager for COVID-19 vaccine
VANCOUVER – The latest data from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute indicates a notable…
Minto reacts to red control order
MINTO - The Town of Minto has closed a municipally-owned movie house and scaled back activities at public facilities in response to the province’s decision to move the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health unit into the red (control) category of COVID-19 pandemic response protocols.
Municipalities react as region moves to red COVID-19 protocol level
WELLINGTON COUNTY - Municipalities in northern Wellington have closed some facilities and modified use of others as this region transitions into a more restrictive level of provincial pandemic protocols.
Drayton water tower to be built in 2021, operational in 2022
MAPLETON – A planned Drayton water tower is on track to be operational by spring of 2022.
Arthur’s St. John Catholic School support Lions Club Christmas Hamper program
Hamper helpers – St. John Catholic School in Arthur is supporting the Lions Club Christmas…
COVID-19 outbreak declared at Morriston Park Nursing Home
PUSLINCH – Public health officials have declared a COVID-19 outbreak at Morriston Park Nursing Home here. A Dec. 15 update on the public health website stated there is one staff case at the home.
COVID-19 outbreak declared at Wellington Terrace in Aboyne
ABOYNE – In a Dec. 15 press release, Wellington County, which operates the facility, noted two areas of the home - the Birch and Cedar "neighbourhoods" - are now under outbreak protocols.
Over 100 cases of COVID-19 reported over weekend in WDGPH region
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The latest weekend report from public health shows a 23% weekly increase in active COVID-19 cases, while the number hospitalized with the virus is up from 11 to 16.
COVID-19 outbreak declared at Caressant Care in Arthur
ARTHUR – Public health officials have declared a COVID-19 outbreak at the Caressant Care Long-Term Care facility in Arthur.