DRAYTON – Mapleton council has approved a sole-source quotation from Viking Cives for two new tandem axle plow dump trucks.
Community News
Township lends support to bill to protect farmers and food supply
KENILWORTH - Wellington North agrees with the Wellington Federation of Agriculture (WFA), which sought municipal support for Bill 156, the Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act.
Memories of Wellington North – 02/20/20
72 years ago, Drayton Advocate, 1948 “Glenardie Beauty,” a valuable col-lie dog belonging to…
Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto highlighted as Cultural Moment by township council
KENILWORTH – Wellington North council’s Cultural Moment for February celebrated Our Lady of…
Dinner generates donations
Dinner donatons – Dave and Jean Anderson recently distributed funds raised at their annual…
GRCA, foundation offering grants for school and community projects
CAMBRIDGE - Applications are being accepted for grants for schoolyard and community environmental projects offered by the Grand River Conservation Authority and the Grand River Conservation Foundation.
Auxiliary hosts euchre
PALMERSTON – A Challenge Euchre was hosted by the Palmerston Legion Ladies Auxiliary on Feb.…
Mental Health Awareness Night aims to de-stigmatize mental health issues
MOUNT FOREST - Mental health advocate and former Team Canada hockey player Kendra Fisher will be guest speaker at a coming event here aimed at de-stigmatizing mental health issues.
Editorial: Time to stop cutting conservation funds
It’s frustrating to watch as a provincial government that’s doing its best to do nothing at all…
Pettapiece, Shreiner paired on TVO’s Political Blind Date
PERTH-WELLINGTON – Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece says he used his appearance on an…
January building fees in Mapleton beat township’s three-year average
DRAYTON – Fees collected by the Mapleton building department are above the three year average,…
Drayton native Victoria Rumph chasing Olympic softball dream
HALIFAX – Victoria Rumph has been representing her country on softball fields around the globe since 2013.
Drayton’s Rourke Martin headed to international hockey tournament
DRAYTON – A local hockey player is going to make his international debut in Las Vegas this spring.
Saint Patrick’s euchre party in Kenilworth on March 15
KENILWORTH – A Saint Patrick’s euchre party is being held at Sacred Heart Church,…