Casting call at theatre for Little Red Riding Hood

Panto­mime time is approaching again, and the Century Theatre Guild is holding auditions for Red Riding Hood on Sept. 8, and 10, at 7:30pm at the the­atre.

Rehearsals will be on Sunday afternoons and Wed­nes­day evenings, and show dat­es are Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, Nov.27 to Dec. 6.

Directed by Martyn Wors­nop, the show will offer the usual comedy, romance, music, dancing, audience participa­tion, and zany fun of the tradi­tional English pantomime.

There are opportunities for actors and singers of all ages, and children are especially wel­come to audition.

Also need­ed are people to fill the backstage roles in costumes, props, pub­licity, technical operation, and stage-man­age­ment. Anyone wish­ing to learn any of those skills is encouraged to come and work alongside more ex­perienced people.

Those planning to attend or who want more information, can call 519-855-4586, and talk to Jo or Neville.

