Ambulance concerns continue

Coun­cillors here still have concerns about the number of ambulance assist calls by local firefighters.
A few months ago, council considered the number of ambulance assist calls made by the Mount Forest Fire Depart­ment – and now that focus has shifted to the south.
On Monday night, councillor Bob Mason raised the issue after the presentation of the Arthur Fire Department’s report for January.
Mason asked why it is happening. The Arthur fire station also houses an ambulance bay.
Fire committee chairman Ross Chaulk is uncertain, but said he would look into the situation.
Mason said if the ambulance responses are being de­layed, perhaps someone should speak with representatives to find out why.
Mayor Mike Broomhead commented that he had already recommended the Mount For­est and Arthur fire chiefs speak with Royal City Ambulance representatives.
Broomhead suggested that after that, a representative should speak directly to council.
“It’s getting to the point where this needs to be addressed.”
