4-H club learns to judge a cow

May 18 was the second West Luther 4-H calf club meet­ing.

We went into the barn of family Huizinga. Leaders An­gela Fair­field and  Romy Sig­n­er explained about a cow’s nu­trition. After that, Huizinga showed us calves.

Angela told how a cow should be judged. We learned that the udder is the most important part of the cow for judging; it needs to be deep, wide and have moderate length teats. The second most important part of a cow while judging, are the feet and legs. The feet are to be well rounded and deep heeled.

The legs should be strong and flexible. Also important is frame  and capacity. Cows need a strong and straight back, a slightly arched loin and they need wide ribs.

submitted by Fetsje Prins

